Payment points to a different order that doesn't exist

I am iterating orders on a customer’s account and ran into order id pK8Iok1713nWHRub6rQEIh0eV with a single cash tender on it. When I look the payment up by that id (BwceszG8P6APBiyibRUxAUF5taB) the order id on the payment is different. I’ve attached abbreviated json results from the rest api explorer. The order id on the payment comes back as NOT_FOUND. Why are they not pointing at each other like every other order/payment?

Production App Id: sq0idp-PUCRd44T7R0FRifzMzP0UA

  "order": {
    "id": "pK8Iok1713nWHRub6rQEIh0eV",
    "location_id": "LBM4ZDHTTM15P",
    "tenders": [
        "id": "BwceszG8P6APBiyibRUxAUF5taB",
        "transaction_id": "pK8Iok1713nWHRub6rQEIh0eV",
  "payment": {
    "id": "BwceszG8P6APBiyibRUxAUF5taB",
    "amount_money": {
      "amount": 401,
      "currency": "USD"
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "source_type": "CASH",
    "order_id": "XjNw2paSwXRmhEwDVBeScixeV",
    "version_token": "IbUSK6FGIUN0xaSdrxdSB0vQbCDSo5GiuRxaFJaYobM6o"

:wave: This is a known issue and the team is working on a fix. The correct order for the payment is pK8Iok1713nWHRub6rQEIh0eV.

If you are getting orders associated to payments by calling the Payments API to get the order_id. Then calling the Orders API and getting the NOT_FOUND response, you’ll want to call SearchOrders with date_time_filter around the created_at time of the payment and parse the results for a matching payment_id. For example:

    "location_ids": [
    "query": {
      "filter": {
        "date_time_filter": {
          "created_at": {
            "start_at": "2022-02-22T14:53:14Z",
            "end_at": "2022-02-22T14:53:18Z"
