Square POS store listing instead of createChargeIntent on anything over API level 30


It appears that if I build my app using anything newer then targetApiLevel 29, the app store listing is opened instead of the square app to initiate the transaction.

Any suggestions?


:wave: Is this with Reader SDK or the Point of Sale API. I see that you have this tagged with Point of Sale API. We do support targeting API 30 with Reader SDK and Point of Sale API you can target the latest version of Android. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Bryan

Yes this is with the POS API.

As I mentioned, I have 100% functionality if I set the targetApi to 29 or less, but 30 or more, instead of opening the Square POS app, it opens the play store. And it happens on the chargeRequest


It looks like you’re missing the <queries> stanza and it’s not in our documentation. Thank you for brining this to our attention. The team is working on adding it to the documentation. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Bryan, seems to be working perfectly :slight_smile: