Square payment api errors GENERIC_DECLINE or card_declined

We get 20% of our payment requests get errors like “GENERIC_DECLINE” or “card_declined”. What is the solution to fix this error?

Generic declines can happen for a variety of reasons: from bank declines to risk blocking the card. Typically we suggest that the customer reach out to their bank to ask for assistance, however since you’re seeing such a high number, feel free to DM me your Square application id with a few example declined payment_ids that have happened recently. I will pass this along to our payments team to see if they can do some digging.

@sjosey How can I DM you? I don’t find any option here.

Followed up via DM, let me know if you have any issues with it. For future reference to anyone else who has issues, simply click on the username (like “sjosey”) and you should see a “Message” button.

I have this same problem on our website. Most times someone tries to complete an order after getting the successful Token Generated, and click on “confirm order” they get this error

Authorization error: ‘GENERIC_DECLINE’

Could you please let me know how to fix it.

Feel free to DM me a payment id and I can take a look. Although as mentioned above typically there’s nothing Square can do about these declines, as they often are declined by the customer’s bank and so we recommend the customer reach out to their bank first.

Hi, Any update on this thread? or reason for this error? we are having the same problem. Many of our requests are failing with “GENERIC_DECLINE” error code but subsequent (3rd or 4th try) the same card is being processed. our ecommerce transactions are suffering because of this. if there is any development/progress on this issue can u please update?

As mentioned above, this typically is not an issue on Square’s side. A “GENERIC_DECLINE” is typically caused by either the customer’s bank or something triggering a risk factor and causing it to be declined. Most of the time, these are real genuine declines. If they’re succeeding after several attempts, are the customers receiving something from their bank (ie asking them if they are actually making this purchase)?

Same issue with me started from Dec 2020. Please post a solution.

Square Payment Failed (Status code GENERIC_DECLINE: Authorization error: ‘GENERIC_DECLINE’) Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.

As a reminder: there is no real solution, as it’s not an error on Square’s side. Almost all situations we do not have any more information either as the banks do not provide the info, so the customer needs to reach out to their bank. If you would like me take a look at a payment, please post the payment_id(s) here.

I have the same notice on just one of my regular customers. The payment shows failed on your side and the customer sees pending on his cc. Trying to run the CC again results in a second pending charge on the cc.
This is the second time in 30 days that this has happened. Billing address is correct. Can you advise?

Has your customer contacted their bank to see why the payments are being declined?

@Bryan-Square I am unable to respond in the other thread.

These are actually two different cards that I am using to test my first payments in production. I typically receive a notice if my bank declines a card for any reason. I also contacted both banks and neither of them have declined the transactions and have no record of an attempt.

Is there something I have to do in order to allow production processing?

We have the same error and not sure what’s the issue. My bank is charging the card but square says its an error.
here is location id L9DTV3KWY3GX2
payment id: jpUixr6JbZ41RbgeZ6SFH3RoQNPZY

Hey there,

We have the same issue:

Square Payment Failed (Status code GENERIC_DECLINE: Authorization error: ‘GENERIC_DECLINE’) Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.

The issue have been experienced by many users for a couple of months.

I can’t reach out to @Bryan-Square or @sjosey.
Whom can I contact to figure out the reason?

@chrisdorsey I originally posted this question in 2020, but these errors are still happening with us. There is no solution to this from Square’s side. Square says to ask the customer to check with the bank and re-do payment.

Thanks for the response :+1:

Following…seems people get this decline frequently but then can use the same card in store. Seems odd…