Magento2 - Multishipping Orders

Hello. I have successfully installed the extension on my store, but I’m having 2 issues:

1 - I cannot use Square payment method on orders that are using multi-shipping feature;
2 - I cannot use Square payment method on orders that are made from the admin panel;

As I could not find on the Magento2 module docs and/or website, I ask you:
I this the intended behavior?

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Payment API: Process Online and In-Person Payments
Guidelines and Limitations

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Otherwise one of our Developer Advocates will provide additional assistance shortly.

Yes, this is the intended behavior. The Square payment method currently does not support multi-shipping orders or orders made from the admin panel. This is due to the way the Square payment process is designed. It’s important to note that these limitations are not unique to Square and are common with many payment processors when integrated with certain platforms.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.