The Mobile Payments SDK appears to be compatible with Android apps written in Java or Kotlin, as well as iOS apps written in Objective C or Swift.
It’s also possible to write Android and iOS apps using C# code. Xamarin was the original way to do this, and it’s been recently replaced by Microsoft.Android and Microsoft.iOS (often referred to as MAUI, but I refer to them as Microsoft.Android and Microsoft.iOS since MAUI implies that NuGet packages such as CommunityToolkit.Maui are being used).
Is there a version of the Mobile Payments SDK which is compatible with Microsoft.Android and Microsoft.iOS? Or are there plans to release Microsoft.Android and Microsoft.iOS versions in the near future?
I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Additional Documentation
In-App Payments SDK
In-App Payment Solutions
Build on Android: In-App Payments SDK
If this documentation helped you find a solution, please check the box indicating that this reply solves the problem.
Otherwise one of our Developer Advocates will provide additional assistance shortly.
Currently, Square’s Mobile Payments SDK supports native development on iOS and Android. As of now, there is no version of the Mobile Payments SDK compatible with Microsoft.Android and Microsoft.iOS.
Please note that while we do not share public roadmaps or timelines for feature requests, rest assured that all requests are carefully considered by our team. 
Thank you for the information.
Hi @Bryan-Square. Has there been any progress on this since July 2024? I was trying to avoid creating another thread for the same question. We have a Xamarin Android app and are looking at possibly moving to Microsoft.Android (MAUI) but we need Square SDK support in order to support our Reader devices. Thanks.
At this time there aren’t any additional updates on this. 
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