Improved Android integration?


I am trying to improve how Square is integrated within our Android application.

I have seen a couple of examples of nice integrations that take you straight from the application to the Square payment screen:

However, when we launch Square from our Android application (Application ID: sq0idp-5l2TrP9A8wLScVTJF9Wf8g ):

ChargeRequest.Builder builder = new ChargeRequest.Builder(amountPence, CurrencyCode.valueOf(currencyCode));
builder.autoReturn(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Set<ChargeRequest.TenderType> tenderTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
ChargeRequest request =;
startActivityForResult(registerClient.createChargeIntent(request), …);

the user is presented with an intermediary screen where they have to tap a blue button to “Continue with Square Terminal”.

How can I make it so our app skips that screen and is taken straight to the actual payment screen (as demonstrated in the two aforementioned YouTube clips)?


:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Build on Android: Point of Sale API
Build on Android: In-App Payments SDK
Download, Configure, and Run the Client Sample

If this documentation helped you find a solution, please check the box indicating that this reply solves the problem.
Otherwise one of our Developer Advocates will provide additional assistance shortly.

What your seeing is the expected behavior of the Point of Sale API. The videos that you linked to is the Terminal API with is only available with the Square Terminal. :slightly_smiling_face: