Implement the Invoice and capture email content using API


We have account where we create invoice from this screen:

We use customer email here so payment link is directly sent to the customer in email.

We have system to manage the emails so we want to use that. Now we want that I should make an api call from our system ( Salesforce ) and I want the capture the email content which squareup generally sends directly when we add invoice from the UI. After capturing email content , I want to modify the content and send to the end customer. Can we do this?

Right now, we are sending two email to the customer. Once email from the square app and one email from our system. Customer get two emails which are confusion for him. We want to merge all the content in one email and send to the customer.

Is this possible using the api?

Hi @sachin! There’s no API that will capture the actual email content itself, but you can get a link to the invoice and include that within your own email communication.

When creating an invoice on your Seller Dashboard, you should have the option to select to share “Manually”. Selecting this means that Square will not email the invoice automatically. You can then use the Invoices API to retrieve that invoice. Invoice objects have a public_url field which you can use to link the customer to the Square-hosted invoice page from your own email.

Continuing the discussion from Implement the Invoice and capture email content using API:

When customer fills this form to create the invoice , what information is sent to the customer in email, if we choose the email at the bottom of this page?

Does customer receive the invoice link in the email? Does squareUp sends the invoice link?

Context : I am asking this question to get the confirmation about the user journey. Let’s suppose, currently, end user is receiving the link in the email . After our implementation , we get the invoice link in email and send to the customer ( from our system). Are these two link same?

Thank You!!

Continuing the discussion from Implement the Invoice and capture email content using API:

When a customer fills this form to create the invoice , what information is sent to the customer in email, if we choose the email at the bottom of this page?

Does the customer receive the invoice link in the email? Does squareup send the invoice link?

Context : I am asking this question to get confirmation about the user journey. Let’s suppose, currently, the end user is receiving the link in the email . After our implementation , we get the invoice link in email and send it to the customer ( from our system). Are these two links the same?

Thank You!!

If you choose to send the invoice manually Square won’t send an additional email to pay the invoice since the expectation is that your application would send it to the customer. If you choose to have Square send the invoice we will provide them with a button to pay the invoice that will open a secure page where the customer can enter their card information. :slightly_smiling_face:

If we retrieve the invoice link in our salesforce system ( using api ) and send to the customer ( from our salesforce system ) . Will customer receive a link so they can click to pay the invoice that will open a secure page where the customer can enter their card information?

Yes, if you send the customer the link to the invoice it will open a secure page for the customer to enter their card information. :slightly_smiling_face: