How to get a resource's ID

The bookings api allows you to dictate a resource to use when creating the booking in the resourceIds field, but I can find anywhere to get a list of resources and their Id’s

I see that the searchAvailability endpoint has a resourceIds field in the response, but this field seems to be undefined.

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Can I get some help with this?

I’ve asked the team and am waiting on the response. What we know is resource_ids is read only, so applications cannot specify which resources a booking uses when creating a booking.
When a Booking is created, if the merchant has resources assigned to any of the services within the Booking, then those resources are assigned to the Booking to indicate that the resources are “held” by that Booking.

This Resource → Booking assignment isn’t externally exposed but is returned in the API. :slightly_smiling_face:

Bookings created by the API do not seem to use a resource.

Calendar appointments created by the API do not have a listed resource in the appointment.

Appointments created within the square calendar do use a resource.

The problem we are having is that our online appointments are overlapping those created by our techs because they are not consuming a resource when created through the API.

Still looking for an update on this.

Is it possible to get a list of resources?

The team is still working on a fix to handle this. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, I am looking for an update on this issue?

The company is unable to prevent double bookings through the API for a resource and it is a persistent issue.

I’m running into a similar issue, trying to use the API to assign resources to service item variations in my catalog. It doesn’t appear that Resources were ever fully added to the API.

Hello @Bryan-Square,

By any chance do we have any update regarding this issue?

Hi all, this has been resolved and bookings will no longer override the resources. :slight_smile:


Many thanks :slight_smile: