Error message when creating a new pricing rule

When creating a pricing rule to create an automatic discount for customer groups, I see the error message below. What field is “pricing_payment_types” referring to in the pricing rule request? I dont see that option in the docs. If I can set payment types instead of specific products for the pricing rule, that would solve some of my big problems

  "errors": [
      "category": "INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR",
      "detail": "Invalid object `#Gogh30PricingRule`: [merchant_token=MLSFG76SWVKE9] Attribute pricing_match_product or pricing_payment_types required.."

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Additional Documentation

Troubleshoot the Payments API
Payments Pricing with Square APIs and SDKs
Guidelines and Limitations

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Hmm, I’m not sure. Checking with the team. :slight_smile: