After receiving the catalog webhook, the modifier_list_info was still not updated


On dashboard we removed the modifier list from the item successfully, But when we call the API to get the item data, the modifier_list_info is still remain the same. There should have been only one element in the array after deleting. We don’t know if it’s the expected behavior. If it is a delay, then how can we ensure that we sync the correct menu data after receiving webhook notification?

"modifier_list_info": [
          "modifier_list_id": "YYXE57WF42ZD56FEM7RV6IVJ",
          "visibility": "PUBLIC",
          "min_selected_modifiers": -1,
          "max_selected_modifiers": -1,
          "enabled": false,
          "ordinal": 0
          "modifier_list_id": "VXKJH2I4D3RFSAFTHZKSLPHJ",
          "visibility": "PUBLIC",
          "min_selected_modifiers": -1,
          "max_selected_modifiers": -1,
          "enabled": true,
          "ordinal": 1

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Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Webhook Event Logs
Handle Inventory Event Notifications
Custom Attributes Overview

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The behavior you’re seeing is expected. When you remove a modifier list from an item in the Seller Dashboard, it doesn’t delete the modifier list itself, but sets the “enabled” field to false in the “modifier_list_info” array for that item. This means the modifier list is no longer active for that item, but the information is retained in case you want to re-enable it in the future.

In your example, the modifier list with the ID “YYXE57WF42ZD56FEM7RV6IVJ” is not enabled (as indicated by “enabled”: false), which means it has been removed from the item in the Seller Dashboard. The modifier list with the ID “VXKJH2I4D3RFSAFTHZKSLPHJ” is still active for that item (as indicated by “enabled”: true).

If you want to sync the correct menu data after receiving a webhook notification, you should consider the “enabled” field in the “modifier_list_info” array. Only the modifier lists with “enabled”: true are currently active for that item.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.