2021-09-15 Changelog

Invoices API
Orders API
Team API
Terminal API
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Version summary

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API updates

  • Invoices API:

    • Invoice object. Added a new, optional sale_or_service_date field used to specify the date of the sale or the date that the service is rendered. If specified, this date is displayed on the invoice.
  • Orders API:

  • Team API:

    • SearchTeamMembersFilter object now has an is_owner field that when set, causes a team member search to return only the seller who owns a Square account.
  • Terminal API:

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Documentation updates

  • OAuth API:
    • Revised API descriptions for the ObtainToken and Authorize endpoints. Clarified that the Authorize endpoint is not a callable API but is used to direct the seller to the Square authorization page. For more information about the Authorize endpoint, see Create the Redirect URL and Square Authorization Page URL.