What is order.line_items.catalog_object_id?

I have a created an order in my sandbox via the api. I’m working on a webhook which is processing the payment creation. From that webhook message, I am able to get the orderId and thus the order.

On each line_item there is a catalog_object_id. I am wanting to get that catalog object via the CatalogApi’s Retrieve catalog object, however it says the object for each item is not in the catalog.

What is catalog_object_id and how can I retrieve the items that are in the order? Below is the payment object and the related order. It seems like this should be possible, when I go into the sandbox dashboard I can see all the details in the transactions view.

    "merchant_id": "MLA96JETHMF89",
    "type": "payment.updated",
    "event_id": "bcdaaf3d-56b1-38ef-a9ac-a6fc0eb7f750",
    "created_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:52.559Z",
        "type": "payment",
        "id": "LNyLeOxUx1HV7KtxD06vf0qZtofZY",
                    "amount": 4188,
                    "currency": "USD"
                    "application_id": "sandbox-sq0idb-kqOew23r1THtzrKww4VlCg",
                    "square_product": "ECOMMERCE_API"
                    "amount": 4188,
                    "currency": "USD"
                    "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
                        "bin": "411111",
                        "card_brand": "VISA",
                        "card_type": "CREDIT",
                        "exp_month": 12,
                        "exp_year": 2025,
                        "fingerprint": "sq-1-uVNsmkI7zAzvl4q8-FIEYwEpGzAPqYBt9DsAugPuyNlpA7LkAT8MLrCpbPmtevqjDA",
                        "last_4": "1111",
                        "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
                        "authorized_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:44.241Z",
                        "captured_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:44.406Z"
                    "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
                    "entry_method": "KEYED",
                    "statement_description": "SQ *MONTEZUMA GOSQ.COM",
                    "status": "CAPTURED"
                "created_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:44.127Z",
                "delay_action": "CANCEL",
                "delay_duration": "PT168H",
                "delayed_until": "2024-02-26T00:46:44.127Z",
                "id": "LNyLeOxUx1HV7KtxD06vf0qZtofZY",
                "location_id": "LS26WQECK9N8G",
                "order_id": "QiX2VkDzqyw2t0C34GdNmoacab4F",
                            "amount": 151,
                            "currency": "USD"
                        "effective_at": "2024-02-19T02:46:46.000Z",
                        "type": "INITIAL"
                "receipt_number": "LNyL",
                "receipt_url": "https://squareupsandbox.com/receipt/preview/LNyLeOxUx1HV7KtxD06vf0qZtofZY",
                    "created_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:44.241Z",
                    "risk_level": "NORMAL"
                "source_type": "CARD",
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                    "amount": 4188,
                    "currency": "USD"
                "updated_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:46.028Z",
                "version": 3

And the order:

  "order": {
    "id": "QiX2VkDzqyw2t0C34GdNmoacab4F",
    "location_id": "LS26WQECK9N8G",
    "line_items": [
        "uid": "ZNVz3CyWjmLCVHRgKz3xqB",
        "catalog_object_id": "A7QXIW2X3YVYAAEK76JXCR7F",
        "catalog_version": 1706660599161,
        "quantity": "1",
        "name": "Color Lili (Non-White)",
        "variation_name": "Regular",
        "base_price_money": {
          "amount": 1229,
          "currency": "USD"
        "gross_sales_money": {
          "amount": 1229,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_tax_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_discount_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_money": {
          "amount": 1229,
          "currency": "USD"
        "variation_total_price_money": {
          "amount": 1229,
          "currency": "USD"
        "item_type": "ITEM",
        "total_service_charge_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "uid": "Gl4E9LSDjaNbEg9D8ADivC",
        "catalog_object_id": "B32WVXC7WI5N2FFZCGZUSBKL",
        "catalog_version": 1706660599161,
        "quantity": "2",
        "name": "Tulip - 6in",
        "variation_name": "Regular",
        "base_price_money": {
          "amount": 1080,
          "currency": "USD"
        "note": "Red/White",
        "gross_sales_money": {
          "amount": 2160,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_tax_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_discount_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_money": {
          "amount": 2160,
          "currency": "USD"
        "variation_total_price_money": {
          "amount": 2160,
          "currency": "USD"
        "item_type": "ITEM",
        "total_service_charge_money": {
          "amount": 0,
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        "uid": "2q1UdpUwUOmf5lPepSfdt",
        "catalog_object_id": "HKY3BXYYLUYY5U4NQVWK3OOK",
        "catalog_version": 1706660599161,
        "quantity": "1",
        "name": "Delivery Charge",
        "variation_name": "Regular",
        "base_price_money": {
          "amount": 799,
          "currency": "USD"
        "gross_sales_money": {
          "amount": 799,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_tax_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_discount_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "total_money": {
          "amount": 799,
          "currency": "USD"
        "variation_total_price_money": {
          "amount": 799,
          "currency": "USD"
        "item_type": "ITEM",
        "total_service_charge_money": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": "USD"
    "metadata": {
      "CPN": "6466445162",
      "dAddr": "31535 County Road 12 #67867, Montezuma, KS 67867, USA",
      "eta": "2024-02-19T01:29:07Z"
    "created_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:42.247Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:46.000Z",
    "state": "COMPLETED",
    "version": 4,
    "total_tax_money": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "USD"
    "total_discount_money": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "USD"
    "total_tip_money": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "USD"
    "total_money": {
      "amount": 4188,
      "currency": "USD"
    "closed_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:44.499Z",
    "tenders": [
        "id": "LNyLeOxUx1HV7KtxD06vf0qZtofZY",
        "location_id": "LS26WQECK9N8G",
        "transaction_id": "QiX2VkDzqyw2t0C34GdNmoacab4F",
        "created_at": "2024-02-19T00:46:44Z",
        "amount_money": {
          "amount": 4188,
          "currency": "USD"
        "type": "CARD",
        "card_details": {
          "status": "CAPTURED",
          "card": {
            "card_brand": "VISA",
            "last_4": "1111",
            "fingerprint": "sq-1-uVNsmkI7zAzvl4q8-FIEYwEpGzAPqYBt9DsAugPuyNlpA7LkAT8MLrCpbPmtevqjDA"
          "entry_method": "KEYED"
        "payment_id": "LNyLeOxUx1HV7KtxD06vf0qZtofZY"
    "total_service_charge_money": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "USD"
    "net_amounts": {
      "total_money": {
        "amount": 4188,
        "currency": "USD"
      "tax_money": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
      "discount_money": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
      "tip_money": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
      "service_charge_money": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
    "source": {
      "name": "www.thegardenstop.us"
    "customer_id": "J4RENCVAMKHMY2GH2SDS4S89JR",
    "pricing_options": {
      "auto_apply_taxes": true
    "net_amount_due_money": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "USD"

I just figured it out, seconds later. Apparently the catalog version is a hard requirement with the catalog_object_id.

Glad to hear that you figured it out. :slightly_smiling_face:

I did notice an oddity with this API. It gives me the id of the object which was purchased. If I use that id and use the Inventory api to adjust the inventory, it will work … but the inventory counts will only be reflected in API calls and not in the dashboard.

So instead, I have to retrieve the original Item and find the variant’s id on that returned item. If I use that variant id, it is reflected in the dashboard.

Why is there a disconnect and what variant id is being returned in the orders api?


Do you have an example of this. The catalog variation should be the same when updating the inventory. :slightly_smiling_face:

An example is in what I pasted above. Any of the referenced catalog_object_id are not the same itemId or variantItemId that are in the catalog. It seems to be a valid id however when retrieved using the catalog_version.

I checked every object on the above order and all the items in that order are deleted which is why they aren’t showing in the Dashboard. :slightly_smiling_face: