Why Some line items in order API lacks catalog object id?

Why Some line items in order API lacks catalog object id? Square’s “financial summary report” for the day does not show any uncategorised gross sale on this day.

Normally searching catalogue by name and variation name gives in-accurate results because same name/variation can be part of other categories. Please if possible try to include catalogue id in the order API’s line items always.

    "uid": "62AEDD82-E031-4654-99E1-52FBA431849F",
    "name": "Wine",
    "quantity": "2",
    "catalogVersion": 1652820306230,
    "variationName": "Coppola white",
    "itemType": "ITEM",
    "appliedTaxes": [
      "uid": "B37DA4F9-0C6B-4894-9624-4180C556A14A",
      "taxUid": "811E05C4-ED58-457C-81EA-4090BD9F9B8D",
      "appliedMoney": {
       "amount": 196,
       "currency": "USD"
    "basePriceMoney": {
     "amount": 1102,
     "currency": "USD"
    "variationTotalPriceMoney": {
     "amount": 2204,
     "currency": "USD"
    "grossSalesMoney": {
     "amount": 2204,
     "currency": "USD"
    "totalTaxMoney": {
     "amount": 196,
     "currency": "USD"
    "totalDiscountMoney": {
     "amount": 0,
     "currency": "USD"
    "totalMoney": {
     "amount": 2400,
     "currency": "USD"

:wave: What’s the order_id for that order? :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry, Its following
“id”: “3dC463TOAAZD5P5DwcFQ3K0eV”,
“locationId”: “66RGEV4AEZF1A”,