Webhook events for Doordash Orders

We’re integrating Doordash with Square. When an order is placed on Doordash and it’s pushed to Square POS, what webhook events will be triggered ? Do I receive order.created, payment.created events? If so, which key will indicate it’s a doordash order?

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Payment APIs
Use Webhooks to Integrate with a Payroll System
Square Developer Documentation

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When an order is placed on Doordash and pushed to Square POS, the Payments API will trigger a payment.created webhook event and the Orders API will trigger an order.created webhook event.

To identify that it’s a Doordash order, you can check the source.name field in the payment.created event data. If the order was created through Doordash, this field should have a value of “Doordash”.

Similarly, in the order.created event data, you can check the source.name field in the Order object to identify if it’s a Doordash order.

Please note that this is based on the assumption that Doordash is properly integrated with Square and is setting the source name correctly when creating orders and payments.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.

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