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The invalid card data error means that the card information that was tokenized by the Web payments SDK was invalid. This is often caused by a customer incorrectly inputing the card information. You’ll need to have the customer re-enter their information and try again.
We specifically return this generic error so bad actors don’t take advantage of a specific incorrect field like CVV or AVS for malicious purposes.
So basically, the card tokenisation generated from Square’s card web form will tokenise both valid AND invalid cards. It’s not until the cards API step that the card details are truly validated. Is that correct?
I have the same issue
and face it again and again and struggling with it several hours
everything is clear with creating customer, but creating card always return the error
{“errors”:[{“category”:“INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR”,“code”:“INVALID_CARD_DATA”,“detail”:“Invalid card data.”,“field”:“source_id”}]}
I tried to use different cards with verification and without it, but the the result is the same, nothing changed
application id sandbox-sq0idb-dV-NBldaWcNX_tMBrQHZHA
please help me as soon as possible, the issue is highly urgent