Timeout issue - Terminal doesn't respect given deadline_duration

This has been already discussed by email with the Square team but I’d like to post it here for more people to see it and to have a way to follow up on this.

Heres is how to replicate the issue:

  1. Create a Checkout with deadline_duration of “PT1M” (one minute using the ISO 8601 format)
  2. Wait one minute
  3. Get Checkout (status = CANCELED, cancel_reason = TIMED_OUT)
  4. Terminal should also time out (FAILS - Terminal remains expecting payment for 4 more minutes even when the Checkout already has status CANCELED. It looks like it doesn’t respect the given deadline_duration and still uses the default one)

We were told your team was already aware of this and a fix for this is going out Mid-May. Is this still the case? Is this fixed in the next version? Thanks in advance

Yes, this is a known issue, and a fix is currently being worked on. I do not have an exact timeline on when it will be released, but I’ll be sure to update this post once it’s been released.


We look forward to the update, thank you!