Terminal API cannot show signature page

I use terminal api create terminal checkout with /v2/terminals/checkouts. I set collect_signature is true. but signature page not show. The payload data is:

    "idempotency_key": "aa2e7c88-c43a-4bcd-affd-13d74f8bdf18",
    "checkout": {
      "amount_money": {
        "amount": 4400,
        "currency": "USD"
      "reference_id": "78475",
      "note": "1 CHAO VIT, 1 CHAO O LONG, 1 CHAO CA TOM, 1 CHAO LONG",
      "device_options": {
        "skip_receipt_screen": false,
        "tip_settings": {
          "allow_tipping": false,
          "separate_tip_screen": false,
          "custom_tip_field": false
        "device_id": "335CS149B4000498",
        "collect_signature": true

Reponse from square is:

    "checkout": {
      "id": "Fr3bQpD5whYqO",
      "amount_money": {
        "amount": 4400,
        "currency": "USD"
      "reference_id": "78475",
      "note": "1 CHAO VIT, 1 CHAO O LONG, 1 CHAO CA TOM, 1 CHAO LONG",
      "device_options": {
        "device_id": "335CS149B4000498",
        "collect_signature": true,
        "tip_settings": {
          "allow_tipping": false
        "skip_receipt_screen": false
      "status": "PENDING",
      "created_at": "2023-12-29T05:31:20.753Z",
      "updated_at": "2023-12-29T05:31:20.753Z",
      "app_id": "sq0idp-Idvy04lf_KTgnmMNig7ROw",
      "location_id": "MJTGF4G32XED8",
      "payment_type": "CARD_PRESENT",
      "payment_options": {
        "autocomplete": true

Did you tap or dip the card when taking the payment. If you tapped the card it won’t ask for a signature. Otherwise I tested your request with a dip payment and it asked for a signature as expected. :slightly_smiling_face: