Square Online order's line item has catalog_tax_id on invalid field


Sorry but bothering you so often, but there are still some things that I don’t understand. Please, let’s look at this order. It seems to be created by Square Online but there is a line item with id nH2P0qJL6m560LYciM3zwC that has associated tax with tax_uid ND3JARBK7BABTMLTNKJ5OK5T, which is exactly the same as the tax id taken from the catalogue, but actually, there is no catalog_object_id on the line item’s applied_taxes level.

Could you please explain why there is no catalog_object_id if the line item’s tax refers to the catalogue tax? I’ll appreciate any response you can provide.


According to the team this is the legacy way of creating taxes on line items in which the applied_tax field is automatically generated, and the UID will match the referenced tax UID. This is due to they way the order was created with the Square Online Store. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Bryan,

To confirm, did you mean that an applied_tax has a tax_uid field directly related to the uid field on order’s taxes (relation shown using the green arrow)?
If yes, what about the tax from the catalogue? Its id is exactly the same as uid of the tax from the taxes (red arrow relation). I think it can’t be a coincidence. And it wouldn’t be weird if this relation was created by the catalog_object_id on the taxes field as usual - especially when the sale source is Square Online.
Isn’t this a thing directly managed by you? Or by saying, “This is due to the way the order was created with the Square Online Store” you mean that one day you were doing this in such a peculiar way? So, instead of storing an id of catalogue tax on the catalog_object_id field, you were just sharing the identifier when those objects were related?

Please confirm. I will be so much thankful.


Yes, that is correct. The applied_tax does have a tax_uid that relates to the uid of the order’s tax. In this case the uid matches the catalog_object_id for the tax due to the Square Online Store application that created this order. This is managed by us and this order was created on a previous version of the API when orders were created this way. I’ve shared this with the team however you should expect that some tax uid will match the catalog_object_id of the tax in the catalog. :slightly_smiling_face:

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