Square OAuth Flow

Hello there!

I am following the OAuth Walkthrough step by step with no errors in the process. However, when visiting the link generated by the sandbox_request_token.php file, I see this:

We have no idea about the right way to launch what the message says. So any light to solve the issue is appreciated!

Two more -unrelated- things:
In this file, there is a missing t (ObtainTokenRequest) at the end of the line number 9. And in the line 38, $reason is not defined.



Hey @zoix, welcome to the forums!

You should be able to navigate to your Developer Apps page and you’ll see “Sandbox Test Accounts”. When you launch one (by clicking “Open”), you’ll be able to go through the OAuth flow. To reduce risk of error, I recommend leaving the Sandbox Dashboard open in another tab on the same window of your browser. Note this is not needed for production.

For your second report, thanks for sharing! I’ll be sure this gets updated on our side, good catch :slight_smile: .

You always saving us! Thanks Stephen!

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