Payment Plan / Installments

Hello. I am using PHP Laravel to process Square payments. Now I have a new requirement from the customer to create a payment plan for customers (installment payments) so they can pay the balance in in 3 or 4 installments.

I was told to use invoices but i don’t seem to get understand how to do it.

Any suggestion how to approach this?

Hi @extjac welcome to the forums!

Have you already taken a look at the Invoices documentation and walkthrough? If so, could you provide some clarification on what seems to be the issue?

so…i need would need to
1- create a customer
2- create a customer credit card
3-create an order
4-create an invoice
5-publish the invoice

is there any PHP example on how to do all this?

Unfortunately we do not have a PHP example that shows this, although the walkthrough uses cURL, which cURL is included in PHP so it should be able to translate it over to PHP code fairly easily, I would hope. Let me know if you run into any issues, though.