I am trying to make an order and with the payment. Also, I am using a production not a sandbox to test this. So this is how I implement my code.
Create Order Service :-
async createOrder(req: Request, res: Response) {
try {
appLogger.info("Create order start");
const ordersApi = this.client.ordersApi;
const createOrderRequest: OrderDto = req.body;
const order = squareOrderCreateRequestBody(createOrderRequest);
const response = await ordersApi.createOrder(order);
if (response.result) {
appLogger.info("Order create success");
const createPaymentRequest: PaymentDto = req.body;
return await this.makePayment(createPaymentRequest, res);
} catch (error) {
appLogger.error(`Error make order:", ${error}`);
return handleError({ error }, res);
Make Payment Service:-
// Make a payment
async makePayment(dto: PaymentDto, res: Response) {
try {
console.log({ dto });
appLogger.info("Make payment start");
const paymentsApi = this.client.paymentsApi;
const payment = createPaymentObject(dto);
const response = await paymentsApi.createPayment(payment);
appLogger.info("Payment success");
return res.status(200).json(serializeBigInts(response.result.payment));
} catch (error) {
appLogger.error(`Error make payment:", ${error}`);
return handleError({ error }, res);
squareOrderCreateRequestBody :-
export function squareOrderCreateRequestBody(
dto: OrderDto
): CreateOrderRequest {
const order: CreateOrderRequest = {
order: {
locationId: dto.locationId,
referenceId: `ref-${uuidv4()}`,
customerId: dto.customerId,
lineItems: dto.lineItems.map((product: OrderLineItem): OrderLineItem => {
return {
quantity: product.quantity,
catalogObjectId: product.catalogObjectId,
basePriceMoney: {
amount: BigInt(product.basePriceMoney.amount),
currency: "AUD",
idempotencyKey: uuidv4(),
return order;
createPaymentObject :-
export function createPaymentObject(
dto: PaymentDto
): CreatePaymentRequest {
const payment: CreatePaymentRequest = {
sourceId: dto.sourceId,
idempotencyKey: uuidv4(),
buyerEmailAddress: dto.buyerEmailAddress,
note: dto.note || "",
// billingAddress: dto.billingAddress,
amountMoney: {
amount: BigInt(dto.amountMoney.amount),
currency: dto.amountMoney.currency,
return payment;
So these are my order and payment implimation.
I use React JS and web SDK to make CARD payments and send tokens to my API service.
This is my POSTMAN example of creating an order and related payment.
"locationId": "***",
"customerId": "stefany-test",
"lineItems": [
"quantity": "1",
"catalogObjectId": "***",
"basePriceMoney": {
"amount": 2,
"currency": "AUD"
"sourceId": "cnon:***",
"amountMoney": {
"amount": 2,
"currency": "AUD"
"buyerEmailAddress": "***@***.com.au",
"note": "***"
Now my problem is when I hit this endpoint and check the response it returns the order-creates a success response and payment success response too. Also when I check the transaction table on my seller dashboard it appears the payment detail. So that means the transaction was a success too.
But when I checked the shop unit (iPad POS Stand | Square Stand) this order did not appear in the order list. So that means my Node Js application order and payment creation succeeded yet when I checked my iPad on my shop order did not appear in the order list.
What went wrong? Can u guys help me with this question, please?
Thank you very much for your time