Options with Enterable Values at Checkout / Additional Notes Tabs

We are a Nonprofit Art Gallery that uses the Square Register, as such we rely on the base Square software.

We are requesting a simple feature, adding a method to create Options with an enterable, empty text box rather than needing to select from a menu of pre-made values. This would allow us to enter important information regarding individual art sales, without cramming up the singular “notes” tab.

Currently the Options menu only allows creating lists of values that need to be set up in advance. Modifiers don’t allow enterable text on the Square Register.
Alternatively, the ability to add additional “notes” tabs with a custom header would service this same purpose. This would show up in receipts and spreadsheets as if it were any other notes or options.

Attached is an image mock-up of our proposed solution.

Thank you for sharing your feature request with us. It sounds like a valuable addition for your operations. To ensure your request reaches the right team, could you please post this in the Square Seller Community? They specialize in addressing feature requests and enhancements for the Square Register and other seller tools. These forums are primarly for developers using our developer tools. :slightly_smiling_face: