Listing app to Square Market Place

Square partnership team,

I submitted a partnership form with Square 2 weeks ago in order to start listing our app on Square App Market Place. Our engineers have spent the last 3 months building the integration with Square. We have completed the integration and have tested with a small Square user base. However, I still have not heard back from Square partnership team.

We are prioritizing our resource to build on Square over other vendors. Is there a contact on Square team that I could reach out regarding our app listing ?

Thank you.

Hey @tam-rc! The Partnerships team has a high volume of these requests to go through, so sometimes it may take some time before your submission is addressed. I don’t have another contact you can reach out to, but you should be getting a reply to your original reach-out. Thanks for you and your team’s patience :slight_smile:

Hi @tam-rc

If you haven’t already joined our partner program, I wanted to let you know that we recently improved our app submission and review experience. Any Square developer can now self-onboard, accept terms, complete an integration check, and submit their app to Square!

You can read more about how to get started here.

That’s great!! Hopefully it goes as you wish..