Issues with CAD Credit Card and USD Store (Web API)

I have been trying to process a Canadian card through a USD Processor (API) and it throws the following error:

  "errors": [
      "category": "PAYMENT_METHOD_ERROR",
      "code": "GENERIC_DECLINE",
      "detail": "Authorization error: 'GENERIC_DECLINE'"
  "payment": {
    "id": "l2oZx7hgGLEIfGsyyeE1pHngUhHZY",
    "created_at": "2022-08-05T16:26:54.096Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-08-05T16:26:54.685Z",
    "amount_money": {
      "amount": 71,
      "currency": "USD"
    "total_money": {
      "amount": 71,
      "currency": "USD"
    "approved_money": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "USD"
    "status": "FAILED",
    "delay_duration": "PT168H",
    "delay_action": "CANCEL",
    "delayed_until": "2022-08-12T16:26:54.096Z",
    "source_type": "CARD",
    "card_details": {
      "status": "FAILED",
      "entry_method": "ON_FILE",
      "card_payment_timeline": {
        "authorized_at": "2022-08-05T16:26:54.683Z",
        "voided_at": "2022-08-05T16:26:54.685Z"
      "errors": [
          "category": "PAYMENT_METHOD_ERROR",
          "code": "GENERIC_DECLINE",
          "detail": "Authorization error: 'GENERIC_DECLINE'"
    "location_id": "LBBF9Y7TTTSA5",
    "order_id": "pN5h6ARCClCF37vqd1Cd2G9ckFBZY",
    "reference_id": "62ed44cc17bfdefb2bee25df",
    "customer_id": "GB3DZJH0HWY4FEM10PTVDMP8SC",
    "risk_evaluation": {
      "created_at": "2022-08-05T16:26:54.646Z",
      "risk_level": "NORMAL"
    "note": "\n        Event: 62ed28e4972c2299f8b93bed  \n        Order: 62ed44cc17bfdefb2bee25df\n        Tickets: 1\n        ",
    "application_details": {
      "square_product": "ECOMMERCE_API",
    "version_token": "RHOutKzgJ78w8nvBCRnsJYEqIwA7Sb4FkamrH7XcbA06o"

I’ve removed the more sensitive information from the response, but why is this happening? I was under the impression that international cards would work fine? I’ve tried three different cards now and this is the same response. It works fine when being processed through the Canadian Processor.

Thank you

Hi! :wave: Just to make sure I’m on the same page — the Square account you’re using to process the payment is based in the US, and you’re attempting to charge a Canadian card? If so, then I would expect most international cards to work fine as long as you are charging it with USD (which I see is the case in your API response).

There are exceptions though, so if you’re consistently getting this error I recommend contacting your card issuer to get more information on why it’s getting declined.

I am experiencing the same issue. Same scenario. It works for subscription (recurring payments), but when I try to retrieve a single payment I am getting the same issue. Can you help me with that? The message is exact the same.

Do you have the payment_id of the declined payment? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sure, here is the payment id: RsgBRY70Zl4uLHUcKIomPvQNYnRZY

It’s definitely a bank decline where the customer needs to contact their bank. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for the quick response. I will contact the bank to check what had happened. Thank you!