Internet Explorer compatibility

I am new to Square. I am developing a website that will include Square payments for a new business. I am using code from:


I have it working on my development machine in Edge, but it is not working in Internet Explorer.

I am using Internet Explorer Windows 10 ver 20H2.

My Internet Explorer screen just has ‘or’ and a button that doesn’t do anything that says ‘Pay With Card’.

Is this compatible with Internet Explorer? Did I miss something?

Thank you,
Columbus Ohio

More info…

It looks like the java script that displays the card entry form is not executing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Columbus Ohio

:wave: The Web Payments SDK with our current PHP example unfortunately doesn’t support Internet Explorer. Please note that Internet Explorer is scheduled for retirement on June 15, 2022. If you do need to support Internet Explorer till it’s retired you can use our SqPaymentForm. :slightly_smiling_face: