How to distinguish "reporting category" from normal categories in the API?

What is the correct way to determine whether a category is a “reporting category” vs a normal category?

Here is an example product, which is assigned the category “Baked Goodness”, and has a reporting category of “Pastries”:

Here is how these two categories are retrieved in the API:

Baked Goodness (“normal” category):

      "category_data": {
        "category_type": "REGULAR_CATEGORY",
        "is_top_level": true,
        "name": "Baked Goodness",
        "online_visibility": true,
        "parent_category": {
          "ordinal": -2251662374731776
      "created_at": "2024-03-29T16:40:17.392Z",
      "id": "GBWQJWRRB5QFO7CJ75ROXA5W",
      "is_deleted": false,
      "present_at_all_locations": true,
      "type": "CATEGORY",
      "updated_at": "2024-03-29T16:40:17.392Z",
      "version": 1711730417392

Pastries (reporting category):

      "category_data": {
        "category_type": "REGULAR_CATEGORY",
        "is_top_level": true,
        "name": "Pastries",
        "online_visibility": true
      "created_at": "2020-08-22T18:23:51.05Z",
      "is_deleted": false,
      "present_at_all_locations": true,
      "type": "CATEGORY",
      "updated_at": "2022-10-19T19:37:39.34Z",
      "version": 1666208259340

We don’t see much to distinguish them, in particular:

  • both have .type == "CATEGORY"
  • both have .category_data.category_type == "REGULAR_CATEGORY"

The only difference seems to be that the “normal” category has a .category_data.parent_category.ordinal field. It seems like that could be a difference, but we don’t know why (& it feels brittle).

What’s the right way to determine that a category is the reporting category of an item? Thanks!

Are these categories that were created for the Online Store? What page was that screenshot take? :slightly_smiling_face:

The screenshot is from our sandbox test account in the “Items” section/editor. Specifically the URL is:

I am unfortunately not sure when/why the categories were created.

What’s your application ID? :slightly_smiling_face:

Sandbox application ID: sandbox-sq0idb-FonlJujwTt_Iz5rZ9Yqhdw

At this time the reporting_category on the catalog object is what you’ll use to identify what category is configured as the reporting category in the Dashboard. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Bryan. There still seems to be something squirrely with this. Perhaps our sandbox account is corrupt?

Here is a product which is shown as belonging to the “Beverages” category, and has no separate reporting category listed.

However, “Beverages” not appear in the pop up category selector. Maybe because it is a reporting category.

So it seems like these products are stuck with a reporting category as a “normal” category, and we can’t remove it.

(We also noticed that products which have a reporting category declared, show that category both under “Categories” and “Reporting category”. You can see an example of this in my original screenshot.)

I could use some help on this as well. I’m creating new items with categories through the API - but the UI says I don’t have a reporting category. I’m trying to distinguish what in the API sets this. So far - this post is the only one I’ve found that remotely talks about the Square API and reporting categories. I can put it with the following:

"categories": [{"id": category_id, "ordinal": idx} for idx, category_id in enumerate(item_data['category_ids'])],

But it’s not setting the reporting category. (Sorry if I’m hijacking a thread!!)

EDIT - Found it:

        item = {
            "type": "ITEM",
            "id": item_id,
            "custom_attribute_values": custom_attribute_values,
            "item_data": {
                "name": item_data['name'],
                "description": item_data['description'],
                "category_id": item_data['category_ids'][0],
                "categories": [{"id": category_id, "ordinal": idx} for idx, category_id in enumerate(item_data['category_ids'])],
                "reporting_category": {
                    "id": item_data['category_ids'][0],
                    "ordinal": 0

Glad that you found it. :slightly_smiling_face: