How does UberEat order collect payment and send order in with amount?

Hi @Bryan-Square once again thank your the quick response.

Now, what stop me to use this solution to solve the issue I am having with the Orders API and the POS API I mention here

The setup will be the following:

  1. One location to get the POS transactions without the itemization

  2. One location to get the Orders API order with the External Payment methods with a note to the transaction id from the other location in case I need to cross check or balance

The flow method:

  1. My own POS system will trigger the POS API to charge the card (going to the first location)

  2. On successful payment the I trigger the Order API with fulfillment and the External Payment method to generate a payment_id to mark the order as paid and continue with the Square POS order live cycle (for the second location)

Issues or thoughts?