Error when sending Terminal API with autocomplete = false

I got this error “autocomplete=false is not currently supported in CA”
when sending this to the Terminal API.
Any thoughts on when this will be available and which other countries this is not possible.


At this time app_fee_money is only supported in the US with Terminal API. This is a very popular feature request and we hope to have more for you soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks but this is actually so I can do the following

  1. A user is billed x% before showing up for the appointment so using the payment api I create a payment but set autocomplete to false so the related order I give it is not closed

  2. Then once the haircut is done they pay the other 50% then I use the same api to do the second payment

  3. then I take the two payment ids and do the payOrder api Pay for Orders to wrap them all up so the order is closed