Deactivated subscription plan


I tried to deactivated the subscription plan with this code

$resp = Http::withHeaders([
                        'Square-Version' => '2022-07-20',
                        'Authorization' => "Bearer {$accessToken}",
                        'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
                    ])->post("{$url}/catalog/object", [
						"idempotency_key" => $this->guidv4(),
						"object" => [
							"type" => "SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN",
							"id" => "#Customer-{$customerId}-Items-{$itemString}",
							"is_deleted" => false,
							"present_at_all_locations" => false,
							"subscription_plan_data" => [
								"name" => "Signed up for {$subscription['cadence']} order. Customer: #{$customerId}",
								"phases" => [
										"cadence" => $subscription['cadence'],
										"recurring_price_money" => [
											"amount" => $subscription['amount']*$this->zeroDecimal($subscription['currency']),
											"currency" => $subscription['currency']

I received the response and everything looks good but when I go to the Subscription Plan Sign In, the status still is “Active”.

Any ideas? Thanks in adnvaced.

Hi :wave: Updating the SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN catalog object with present_at_all_locations set to false should do the trick, so at a glance I’m not sure what the issue is here? Can you provide your application ID and I’ll take a closer look?