Step 1. Order O1 is created on Square POS and paid using a previously unknown credit card P1 and without assigning any customer profile.
Comment: I believe this will create a customer “instant profile” C1
Step 2. Order O2 is created on Square POS, paid using the same card P1 and is also assigned a customer email.
Question: Will Square’s deterministic duplicate profile detection merge the old instant profile with the newly created customer profile C2 and associate it with the card P1?
Step 3: Order O3 is created on Square POS, paid using the same card P1 but is not assigned to any customer.
Question: Will Square detect, based on the card number P1, that this order belongs to customer profile C2 and associate O3 with customer profile C2?
While I think I know the answers, I will take this offline and touch base with our customers team to ensure I give the correct information. I’ll follow up as soon as I have a confirmed conclusion.
No, we do not do auto-merging. You would not have access to the instant profile in POS or dashboard as far as I’m aware, so I think you’d need to create a new customer with an email
Given 2, it would belong to the instant profile from 1.
a followup question… is there any documentation of the conditions under which profiles are merged and the timeframe for each (merged as a periodic background process vs. triggered by events). Thanks.
What do you mean by periodic background process? As mentioned above, we do not do auto-merging, so the only time a merge will occur is if a merchant manually executes a merge on two customers.
Ok, I think I got confused reading szisman’s response to another question and thought there was a possibility of auto-merge of profiles - quote “It is possible we would merge customers with Customer Cards that have matching phones or emails” (from: Trying to understand the Customers API - #2 by szisman). But from your answer it’s completely clear to me now that there is absolutely no auto-merge done by Square so there’s no background process involved. Thanks for clarifying.