Creating new catalog object results in ambiguous error

I am testing creating catalog objects via Catalog API.
In the docs mentioned that request must have an object.Id field that starts with #.
Here is the request:

  "idempotency_key": "83f15ab7-cbcb-4a9b-a8c7-c5e22660fbb3",
  "object": {
    "type": "CATEGORY",
    "id": "#83f15ab7-cbcb-4a9b-a8c7-c5e22660fbb3",
    "category_data": {
      "name": null

But when I try to execute such request I get an error

  "errors": [
      "category": "INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR",
      "detail": "Invalid object `#83f15ab7-cbcb-4a9b-a8c7-c5e22660fbb3`: [merchant_token=MLZG4XV5CXNST] Attribute name required.."

If I try to set object.Id without # then: "detail": "Object ID must be blank, start with '#', or match an existing object: ID=\"83f15ab7-cbcb-4a9b-a8c7-c5e22660fbb3\".",
If I try to leave it blank then: "detail": "Field must not be blank". But the API literary said that it is allowed to leave it blank.

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Delete Catalog Objects and Query Deleted Objects
Retrieve Catalog Objects
Work with Images

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The error message you’re seeing is due to the name field in category_data being set to null. The name field is required when creating a CATEGORY type object. The id field can indeed be left blank, start with #, or match an existing object. However, the name field in category_data must contain a non-null value.

Here’s an example of a valid request:

  "idempotency_key": "83f15ab7-cbcb-4a9b-a8c7-c5e22660fbb3",
  "object": {
    "type": "CATEGORY",
    "id": "#83f15ab7-cbcb-4a9b-a8c7-c5e22660fbb3",
    "category_data": {
      "name": "Your Category Name"

In this example, replace “Your Category Name” with the name you want to assign to the category.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.