Connect 2 square accounts into one wix account website at checkout

I have one wix account for a website that is built on wix, each branch is to receive their own money through their on square account.

i.e. Sydney Airport who has their own square username and password to receive their own funds. Adelaide Airport to receive their own sales money on their own square accounts.

is there anyway to use each branch square api so each branch receives their own funds?

Adding all locations under one square account and using different APIs is not an option due to accounting purposes.

Wix Studio Square integration

What are you trying to achieve:
Each location to use its own square account to receive payments.

What have you already tried:
contacted wix with no luck.

Additional information:
we have made this possible so far on vercel, but we no longer want to use vercel. So it is possible so we need the codes and etc…

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Yes, it’s possible to have each branch receive their own funds using their own Square account. You would need to integrate each branch’s unique Square account with your Wix site. This would involve using the Square API for each account.

When a customer makes a payment, your application would need to determine the appropriate branch based on your own internal logic (such as the customer’s selected pickup location), and then use the corresponding Square API to process the payment.

Remember that each Square account has its own unique access token, which you would use to make API calls. You would need to securely store these access tokens and ensure your application uses the correct one for each payment.

Please note that this would require custom development work if Wix does not directly support this functionality. You may need to hire a developer if you do not have the technical skills to implement this yourself.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.