Block Procurement Ops email?


I’ve received an email from Block Procurement Ops [email protected] asking me to complete registration activities so they get my company Expo KDS into their financial system? and there is a link to click on and provide info.

The email includes the following as well:
For any questions please feel free to contact [email protected]

Is that from Square? is it legit?

If you receive a suspicious email from or regarding Square, don’t reply to the message, click any unknown links, or open any attachments. Additionally, if you receive any communications via Square Messenger, invoices, contracts, estimates, or other outlet requesting payment for services you do not recognize, do not reply or submit payment. Instead, click Report message to Square in the footer of the email, and the appropriate team will investigate and take action if needed. To confirm the Report message to Square link isn’t phishing, hover over the link to confirm the URL is Square Profile.

If you don’t find the Report message to Square link in the email footer, you can report it to us by forwarding the email to [email protected]. :slightly_smiling_face:

Update on this, if you use the Square self-service workflow to accept terms and publish an app to the App Marketplace, you can collect a revenue share on any payments processed by referred sellers for their first 12 months of card processing. When you make your first referral, you’ll provide Square with banking information that is used to pay out any referral revenue share earned. The process includes onboarding through Certa and might include the international invoicing tool used by Square, Tradeshift. Currently, Tradeshift onboarding is only required if you’re invoicing in Australia, Ireland, or the United Kingdom.

So if you receive an email from Certa it shouldn’t be disregarded. :slightly_smiling_face: