Bermuda phone number country code being rejected by Loyalty endpoints

Hi. A user of my application entered a phone number with a 411 area code, which is Bermuda. I’m using a library to add the country code to user input, and it added a +1 to this phone number, which I believe is correct. Unfortunately, the endpoint threw the following error (I have replaced the user’s phone number with x’s below):

{"code":"INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER","field":"phone","detail":"Loyalty phone number +1441xxxxxxx is not formatted correctly or uses an unsupported country code","category":"INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR"}

How should this number be formatted?

I checked in with some folks, and it looks like we do not support Bermuda at this time unfortunately. The team is looking to see if we can support it moving forward, but I do not have an ETA on when that would be.

Thanks @sjosey. Is there a list of supported/unsupported area codes I could reference? I’d like to show my users a message if their numbers are not supported.

Not currently, but I’ll suggest that we add this to the documentation team. Thanks for sharing!

This would be useful for us as well!