Apply different conditions between card payment and digital wallet payment in Risk Manager

Dear Team,

We enabled risk manager to validate zip code for payments (AVS mismatch condition), the effect on card payment is good and zip code is validated as expected, however some apple wallet payments are unexpectedly blocked because of the billing address in apple wallet;

The root cause might be customer moved home to other place but didn’t update billing address in apple wallet in time, this made apple wallet payment not so convenient to customer, and mostly the apple wallet itself validated the card already when customer added it, so is it possible for risk manager to apply different conditions between card payments and apple wallet payments? it would be better if we can enable AVS mismatch condition on card payments only and not on apple wallet payment.


To address the inconvenience caused by AVS mismatch conditions for Apple Wallet payments, you might consider the following approach:

  1. Custom Rules: Check if your risk management tool allows for custom rules or conditions. You could create a rule that applies AVS validation only to traditional card payments and excludes Apple Wallet transactions.
  2. Payment Gateway Configuration: Some payment gateways allow you to set different fraud detection rules based on the payment method. Consult your payment gateway’s documentation or support team to see if this option is available.
  3. Whitelist Apple Wallet: If possible, whitelist Apple Wallet transactions within your fraud detection system, while maintaining AVS checks for other card payments.
  4. User Notification: Encourage customers to update their billing information in Apple Wallet by providing prompts or notifications during the checkout process. This can help reduce the occurrence of mismatches.

Best regards,

Hi Elena,

Thanks for looking into this.

It looks square risk manager doesn’t support AVS validation only on traditional card payment, but on all online payment, including both traditional card payment and apple wallet, that’s also why I raised this post.
And Square is an All-In-One platform and we are depending on it as our payment gateway and fraud detection system.