We have validations for CVV and AVS for card payments, When we do Apple Payment, it’s returning an error that CVV/AVS failed.
The question is, How to handle CVV/AVS with Apple Pay?
We have validations for CVV and AVS for card payments, When we do Apple Payment, it’s returning an error that CVV/AVS failed.
The question is, How to handle CVV/AVS with Apple Pay?
What validations are you referring to? Are you referring to the validations from Risk Manager?
I’m talking about code-level validations,
We are PHP and below is the code which is detecting a response from the square API
$rawData = json_decode($apiResponse->getBody());
$cvvStatus = $rawData->payment->card_details->cvv_status;
$avsStatus = $rawData->payment->card_details->avs_status;
if ($cvvStatus == ‘CVV_ACCEPTED’ && $avsStatus == ‘AVS_ACCEPTED’) {
Somehow the CVV and AVS status is not the same as required.
This is the expected behavior for Apple Pay. Currently cvv_status
and avs_status
can be not checked for Apple Pay payments and the payment will succeed.