Adding an item through the api - how to set the POS tile Image?

I can successfully add a catalogue item using the API’s, however, although I specify a url for the product thumbnail I cannot set the P.O.S tile image which is what I want to do.

Any ideas anyone?

-H ‘Square-Version: 2021-10-20’
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}’
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’
-d ‘{
“idempotency_key”: “08059c77-53ec-4930-ae37-b2dd37e5bbef”,
“object”: {
“id”: “#newitem23”,
“type”: “ITEM”,
“item_data”: {
“image_data”: {
“caption”: “thumbnail image”,
“url”: “
“abbreviation”: “SKU123”,
“available_electronically”: false,
“available_for_pickup”: true,
“available_online”: true,
“category_id”: “3G3SZ54Z55AGC4HNL6XHVPWJ”,
“description”: “Try creating new item from api”,
“name”: “this would be the product name”,
“product_type”: “REGULAR”,
“skip_modifier_screen”: true,
“variations”: [
“id”: “#newitem23a”,
“is_deleted”: false,
“item_data”: {
“abbreviation”: “sku123”,
“available_for_pickup”: true,
“available_online”: true,
“category_id”: “3G3SZ54Z55AGC4HNL6XHVPWJ”,
“description”: “item description”
“item_variation_data”: {
“available_for_booking”: false,
“inventory_alert_threshold”: 1,
“inventory_alert_type”: “LOW_QUANTITY”,
“item_id”: “#newitem23”,
“price_money”: {
“amount”: 2321,
“currency”: “GBP”
“pricing_type”: “FIXED_PRICING”,
“sku”: “sku123”,
“stockable”: true,
“track_inventory”: true,
“upc”: “1234567890123”
“tax_ids”: [
“present_at_all_locations”: true

:wave: Currently the ability to set the tile image with the API isn’t currently available. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team. Also I removed the access token from you post. Access tokens are secrete and should never be shared. I’d recommend replacing your access token in your Developer Dashboard. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok thanks and noted.

