2024-12-18 Changelog

Customers API
Payments API
Team API
Terminal API
Web Payments SDK
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Version summary

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New SDK release

  • Go SDK:
    • New Go SDK provides access to Square APIs in a language-idiomatic way. Download the SDK package and read the quickstart guide to get started.
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API updates

  • Customers API:

    • Customer object - The cards field will be retired in Square API version 2025-01-23. This field is replaced by the ListCards and ListGiftCards endpoints with the customer_id query parameter.

      Note that the retirement date for the deprecated CreateCustomerCard and DeleteCustomerCard endpoints isn't currently scheduled, but you should migrate to the Cards API and Gift Cards API as soon as possible. For more information, see Migration notes.

  • GraphQL:

  • Payments API:

    • CreatePayment endpoint - New buyer_phone_number field.
    • ListPayments endpoint - New updated_at_begin_time, updated_at_end_time, and sort_field filters that can be used to filter the results by the payment's updated_at field.
  • Team API:

    • New Job object and job management endpoints (Beta):
    • TeamMember object - New wage_setting field (Beta), which provides direct access to a team member's overtime exemption status and job and compensation information using TeamMember endpoints (instead of RetrieveWageSetting or UpdateWageSetting).
    • JobAssignment object - New job_id field (Beta), which now serves as the unique job identifier instead of job_title.

    For more information about using these new Team API features, see Integration Guide.

  • Terminal API:

    • CreateTerminalCheckout endpoint - New QR_CODE enum value for payment_type, which allows the Square Terminal to support a single QR code payment that integrates with multiple Japanese digital wallet brands.
    • CheckoutOptionsPaymentType enum - Deprecates the PAYPAY enum value. The QR_CODE enum value now supports PayPay as well as other digital wallets.
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Documentation updates

  • Square SDKs:

    • Reorganized the Square SDKs overview page for easy access to each SDK package and GitHub repos, and added information about mobile and frontend SDKs.
    • Removed the Stay Current with SDK Version topic for each SDK. This content is now present on each SDK landing page.
  • Point of Sale API:

    • Offline Mode - Added a Requirements and limitations section to clarify how to maintain a Bluetooth connection and a secure connection to take payments while offline.
  • Web Payments SDK:

Learn about versioning for the Square API and SDKs.