<- OAuth API


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Obtain token



Returns an OAuth access token and refresh token using the authorization_code or refresh_token grant type.

When grant_type is authorization_code:

  • With the code flow, provide code, client_id, and client_secret.
  • With the PKCE flow, provide code, client_id, and code_verifier.

When grant_type is refresh_token:

  • With the code flow, provide refresh_token, client_id, and client_secret. The response returns the same refresh token provided in the request.
  • With the PKCE flow, provide refresh_token and client_id. The response returns a new refresh token.

You can use the scopes parameter to limit the set of permissions authorized by the access token. You can use the short_lived parameter to create an access token that expires in 24 hours.

Important: OAuth tokens should be encrypted and stored on a secure server. Application clients should never interact directly with OAuth tokens.

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Request body

Example code

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The Square-issued ID of your application, which is available as the Application ID on the OAuth page in the Developer Console.

Required for the code flow and PKCE flow for any grant type.

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The secret key for your application, which is available as the Application secret on the OAuth page in the Developer Console.

Required for the code flow for any grant type. Don't confuse your client secret with your personal access token.

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The authorization code to exchange for an OAuth access token. This is the code value that Square sent to your redirect URL in the authorization response.

Required for the code flow and PKCE flow if grant_type is authorization_code.

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The redirect URL for your application, which you registered as the Redirect URL on the OAuth page in the Developer Console.

Required for the code flow and PKCE flow if grant_type is authorization_code and you provided the redirect_uri parameter in your authorization URL.

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The method used to obtain an OAuth access token. The request must include the credential that corresponds to the specified grant type. Valid values are:

  • authorization_code - Requires the code field.
  • refresh_token - Requires the refresh_token field.
  • migration_token - LEGACY for access tokens obtained using a Square API version prior to 2019-03-13. Requires the migration_token field.
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A valid refresh token used to generate a new OAuth access token. This is a refresh token that was returned in a previous ObtainToken response.

Required for the code flow and PKCE flow if grant_type is refresh_token.

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LEGACY A valid access token (obtained using a Square API version prior to 2019-03-13) used to generate a new OAuth access token.

Required if grant_type is migration_token. For more information, see Migrate to Using Refresh Tokens.

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string [ ]

The list of permissions that are explicitly requested for the access token. For example, ["MERCHANT_PROFILE_READ","PAYMENTS_READ","BANK_ACCOUNTS_READ"].

The returned access token is limited to the permissions that are the intersection of these requested permissions and those authorized by the provided refresh_token.

Optional for the code flow and PKCE flow if grant_type is refresh_token.

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Indicates whether the returned access token should expire in 24 hours.

Optional for the code flow and PKCE flow for any grant type. The default value is false.

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The secret your application generated for the authorization request used to obtain the authorization code. This is the source of the code_challenge hash you provided in your authorization URL.

Required for the PKCE flow if grant_type is authorization_code.

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Response fields

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An OAuth access token used to authorize Square API requests on behalf of the seller. Include this token as a bearer token in the Authorization header of your API requests.

OAuth access tokens expire in 30 days (except short_lived access tokens). You should call ObtainToken and provide the returned refresh_token to get a new access token well before the current one expires. For more information, see OAuth API: Walkthrough.

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The type of access token. This value is always bearer.

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The timestamp of when the access_token expires, in ISO 8601 format.

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The ID of the authorizing merchant (seller), which represents a business.

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LEGACY The ID of merchant's subscription. The ID is only present if the merchant signed up for a subscription plan during authorization.

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LEGACY The ID of the subscription plan the merchant signed up for. The ID is only present if the merchant signed up for a subscription plan during authorization.

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The OpenID token that belongs to this person. This token is only present if the OPENID scope is included in the authorization request.

Deprecated at version 2021-09-15. Square doesn't support OpenID or other single sign-on (SSO) protocols on top of OAuth.

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A refresh token that can be used in an ObtainToken request to generate a new access token.

With the code flow:

  • For the authorization_code grant type, the refresh token is multi-use and never expires.
  • For the refresh_token grant type, the response returns the same refresh token.

With the PKCE flow:

  • For the authorization_code grant type, the refresh token is single-use and expires in 90 days.
  • For the refresh_token grant type, the refresh token is a new single-use refresh token that expires in 90 days.

For more information, see Refresh, Revoke, and Limit the Scope of OAuth Tokens.

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Indicates whether the access_token is short lived. If true, the access token expires in 24 hours. If false, the access token expires in 30 days.

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Any errors that occurred during the request.

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The timestamp of when the refresh_token expires, in ISO 8601 format.

This field is only returned for the PKCE flow.