Initialize the Square Payments object
Initialize the Square Payments object with your application ID and the ID of the seller location where the payment is taken.
const payments = Square.payments(APPLICATION_ID, LOCATION_ID);
Create a PaymentRequest with the total amount
Create a new PaymentRequest using the desired options. At the minimum, you need to provide the total amount, the countryCode, and the currencyCode. Note: The amount field is formatted for display, including decimal places. When creating a payment with the Payments API, the amount must be formatted as the payment amount in the smallest unit of currency. For example, $5.79 would be 579 cents.
const paymentRequest = payments.paymentRequest({ countryCode: 'US', currencyCode: 'USD', total: { amount: '5.79', label: 'Total' }, });
The PaymentRequest is created by the SDK with payment request options that your application provides in a paymentRequestOptions object that you declare.
Create an ApplePay object
Get a new ApplePay object with your PaymentRequest.
const applePay = await payments.applePay(paymentRequest);
This creates a new ApplePay instance with all of the behaviors and properties needed to take an Apple Pay payment.
Get the one-time payment token from the ApplePay object
Get the payment token from the ApplePay object when the buyer completes the form by calling the tokenize method.
const tokenResult = await applePay.tokenize(); if (tokenResult.status === 'OK') { const token = tokenResult.token; } else { console.error(tokenResult.errors); }
If the Apple Pay information is valid, the tokenResult will include an
, status as well as a one-time-use token which can be used to make a call to the Payments API CreatePayment endpoint to charge a customer. If the Apple Pay information is not valid, it will return an error that you can present to the customer.