The old SDK version 1.3.8 worked fine, but today I downloaded SDK version 1.5.4 from Square Reader Portal and it gave me errors.
ruby <(curl install \
--app-id a12a1212a123aa123a123a123a123 \
--repo-password MMMMMMMMMMM__________cworrttttttttttt45f_______bq
vvvvv SQUARE ERROR vvvvv
ERROR: Something went wrong. Please contact the developer of this application and provide them with this error code: authorization_invalid_code
DEBUG CODE: authorization_invalid_code
DEBUG MESSAGE: The authorization code is invalid. The authorization code may have been requested with a Square Application ID different from the one associated with this application.
Do you have multiple application in the Developer Dashboard? If so is it possible you used the wrong repo password for the application that’s configured in the Reader SDK? 
I think it was a location issue since I was doing testing in India and it was working in the US.
@Bryan-Square It was working for authorization previously not for the making payment in India. So now in new SDK authorization will also not work?
Are you having authorizations fail? 
@Bryan-Square yes, getting authorizations failed in
[[SQRDReaderSDK sharedSDK] authorizeWithCode:locationID completionHandler:^(SQRDLocation * **_Nullable** location, NSError * **_Nullable** error)
locationID - getting this from by passing Registered location ID
What’s the location_id
that you’re getting this with. Also if you delete the SDK framework and reinstall it does that. 
Should I share it here? We were using an old Framework so I removed the old one and downloaded a new and added it to my project.
BTW, gives me authorization_code & expires_at so using this I am authorizing in my app by
[[SQRDReaderSDK sharedSDK] authorizeWithCode
Is it working now once you replaced the framework? Also its safe to share a location_id