What changes we have made to move from sandbox to live(production) in PHP SDK to accept real payment

Hi, I have implemented SquareUp web SDK for accept real payment but, we are on sandbox mode, now i want to deployed our code on production mode so please guide us what changes we have made when go to production mode and avoid the payment related issues on production.

That’s great that your ready to move to production. Deployment tasks include:

  1. Get production application credentials. In the “Get Sandbox application credentials” section, you obtained Sandbox credentials. Follow the steps to open the Developer Dashboard, but this time choose Production mode and copy the production application ID and access token.
  2. Update script references. In the ADD SCRIPT REFERENCES section, you added script references in index.html. Update the domain string in the JavaScript reference from sandbox.web.squarecdn.com/v1/square.js to web.squarecdn.com/v1/square.js.
  3. Provide your production application ID. The Web Payments SDK requires a valid application ID to return a payment token. In the “Provide your application ID” section, you provided a Sandbox application ID. Update the code by providing your production application ID.
  4. Configure your backend server to use a production access token. In the “Configure the quickstart access token” section, you provided a Sandbox access token in the env.sandbox file. Replace it with the production access token.

If you want to test the application in a production environment (squareup.com), you must use an actual payment card. Note that Square actually charges payment cards in production. Therefore, if you must test in production, charge minimum amounts. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have complete all process set the production environment and changes the application id, access token, location ID and linked js also production mood but i am getting this error.

[{“category”:“PAYMENT_METHOD_ERROR”,“code”:“TRANSACTION_LIMIT”,“detail”:“Authorization error: ‘TRANSACTION_LIMIT’”}]

and card is working fine and have limit also i have just make a payment 100 cent.
My code is proper work with sandbox details but once i deployed this with production getting this issues my code is below please check and update asap.
$app_fee_money = new Money();

The TRANSACTION_LIMIT error means the card issuer has determined the payment amount is either too high or too low. The API returns the error code mostly for credit cards (for example, the card reached the credit limit). However, sometimes the issuer bank can indicate the error for debit or prepaid cards (for example, card has insufficient funds). :slightly_smiling_face: