Wed Payments SDK - Questions


I have a number of questions when setting up web payments SDK to replace the payment form.

  1. Is there a way to remove the post code field? This is never used in Australia.
  2. Is there a way to test with an Australian card?
  3. Is the payment amount only set on server side? Does this mean we can charge whatever we like and it’s not dependant on what we display to the user?
  4. The borderWidth style returns an error despite styles being copied from the examples.

FYI This has been an awful experience migrating.


  1. With the Web Payments SDK it is localized so depending on the card that is entered will determine if the postal code field will show or not.

  2. Unfortunately at this time there isn’t a set of Australian cards that can be used for testing. You can enter an Australian card but don’t submit a payment to test the postal code not being required.

  3. The amount that gets set in the server side request whether it’s passed from the client with the token to the server or set in the server side request will be the amount charged.

  4. What was the error that you are getting with the boarder style?

Lastly, we’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the product team. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the responses.

Here are the errors:

'.input-container': {
	borderColor: "rgba(133, 137, 145, 1)",
	borderRadius: '4px',
	borderWidth: '1px',
'': {
	borderColor: "rgba(133, 137, 145, 1)",
	borderWidth: '1px',
'': {
	borderColor: "rgba(255, 107, 114, 1)",
	borderWidth: '1px',

Also, the CVV helper icon for AMEX shows the back of the card, which could cause users to supply the wrong number.

Hi @tre, The borderWidth property is not yet supported, but it will be soon. You can fix the error temporarily by omitting this property. As for the CVV helper icon for AMEX we’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, the team will be sure to see your request. :slightly_smiling_face: