I am getting the following error when I am trying to verify using user-entered credentials for verifyBuyer() in USA
const verificationDetails = {
amount: ${total}
billingContact: {
addressLines: [billing.address, billing.address2],
lastName: billing.lastname,
firstName: billing.firstname,
email: cart[1].email,
country: billing.country,
phone: billing.phone,
state: billing.state,
city: billing.city,
zip: billing.zip,
currencyCode: “USD”,
intent: “CHARGE”,
I checked the inputs and all of them are working fine!
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
square.js:1 An issue occurred while verifying the buyer
is not a valid enum value for verification_details.billing_contact.country
.: verification_details.billing_contact.country
(anonymous) @ square.js:1