BuyerVerificationFailed when uploading on live server

Im working with squareup C# SDK. it is working great on sandbox on my localhost. but when i move the code to a server it straight out fails the buyer verification when testing a 3D secure card. both application have same code, same application id, location id and sandbox mode.

Can you please guide me on this end. On my localhost 3d secure page is popping up but on server it straight out generate automatically a verification ID like its a non secure card and give verification failed error

applicationId: "sandbox-sq0idb-HK60PhOjnwUS5rsdFgrK6Q",
locationId: "LHVVPYP4DPK0G",

Hi @ItsAK welcome to the forums!

Can you clarify what you mean that it “generate automatically a verification ID”? Are you saying the verifyBuyer callback is returning a verification token, when you use it, the verification fails? Can you share an example token that is failing? Presumably you mean it fails when hitting CreatePayment?

Hi, This verification error is now sorted out. but we are having a problem when migrating to the live server now it is not processing the application at all. Do i require any auth for the url or something… Im using C# SDK but its not hitting up the controller.

here is the URL: Checkout

website is currently set in sandbox environment. So you can test.
Please use this job id to fetch data: SUBLI-D6FFB667CF@1A1FC2EBD4
It is sending a blank response. however in the case of error it is programmed to display it.

I tested it and see the nonce and verification token being generated, but then an “undefined error” occurred. I’m not seeing any errors in our logs (I don’t see calls to CreatePayment so it seems to be failing before that point). It seems like it might be failing somewhere in your code, and not within Square, as I do not see any errors on our side. Please let me know if I misunderstood or if you have additional questions!

I’ve tested the exact same code and it is working on LocalHost but as soon as i move it to server address. It straight up resists to call the payment controller. I wanna know is there any kind of web address authentication we have to add to our developer account or something like this

Not that I know of…as I mentioned, I do not see errors on our side, so as far as I can see this is happening outside of Square’s domain and something local to your server/code. Do you know where exactly it’s failing or can you log more specific errors?

Ive finally managed to generate the error. Error is in the SquareUp client Builder. Can you guide me further what could go wrong. The server is ISS10

What version of .NET Framework are you using? This looks like it can’t find “System.Net.Http version” which should be a part of the .NET Framework. Per our documentation, you need at least .NET Standard 2.0 or higher, does your version hit this requirement?

The .net framework version is 4.7.2

Thanks, can you also confirm which version of the Square SDK you’re using? You may also be able to just force an update for System.Net.Http via Nuget to see if that helps.

Im using Square SDK 9.0 which is the latest version and for System.Net.HTTP is 4.3.4

Im having no problem on the local host just the ISS server is giving this error.

I tried it and see the nonce and confirmation token being produced, yet then an “vague mistake” happened. I’m not seeing any mistakes in our logs (I don’t see calls to CreatePayment so it is by all accounts coming up short before that point). It seems like it very well may be flopping some place in your code, and not inside Square, as I don’t perceive any blunders on our side. Kindly let me know whether I misjudged or in the event that you have extra inquiries!