Hi, we are seeing an urgent issue that has just started today where all card transactions on IOS are failing.
We are using React Native square and the startCardEntryFlowWithBuyerVerification is immediately returning an SCA fail whatever we put through it.
It’s failing on our store version of the app that’s using version 1.7.2 of the react native plug in and it’s also failing on our dev version that’s using the latest 1.7.3 version of the react native plug in.
It’s failing on devices running all different IOS versions (IOS 15, IOS 16 and IOS 17)
It’s also failing all card types (VISA, AMEX)
It’s still working fine on our Android version of the app.
It was fine until yesterday and we have not done an update to our app for a while, so nothign has changed our end.
Is there a problem at Square’s end?
My developer is getting the following error - From SQIPCardEntry.startCardEntryFlowWithBuyerVerification fail response
Location ID : 2ZE9MES54AX34
This was attempted at 11:49 am GMT
{“code”: “USAGE_ERROR”, “debugCode”: “buyer_verification_unexpected”, “debugMessage”: “Square In-App Payments SDK encountered an unexpected error. Please contact Square developer support via Square Support Center - US”, “message”: “Something went wrong. Please contact the developer of this application and provide them with this error code: unexpected”}
Are you still experiencing this with just iOS?
The error was returned from SQIPCardEntry.startCardEntryFlowWithBuyerVerification
When we disable SCA in our app and the app calls:
It works fine (but without SCA authentication of course)
Yes it is still failing, are you able to assist?
We have the same issue, do you fix it ?
We are trying the new version 1.7.4 atm. We will be testing next week. I will post if it works!
Thank You ! Hope its helps
Hi B2Code we are still looking into this atm, with questions going to Brian.
Did you manage to make any progress with this.
Are there any server side errors when you run into this? Also if this is with iOS did you add SquareBuyerVerificationSDK
framework to your build phase?
Hi I have repeated what our developer has written in Discord
I didn’t get a reply from you last week, so can you please provide some assistance today with this as our app is still declining everything and we urgently need to fix and issue an update.
As you’ll see in attachements, I can see both the SquareInAppPaymentsSDK.framework and the SquareBuyerVerificationSDK.framework in my project and I have added the run script for SquareInAppPaymentsSDK as above (the SquareBuyerVerificationSDK doesn’t have a setup script).
I’m running the latest version of the React Native plug in (1.7.5) and everything seems to be set up correctly.
When I process a transaction with the sandbox test card it works fine, but when I try any of the SCA test cards I get the following error:
“code”: “USAGE_ERROR”, “debugCode”: “buyer_verification_unexpected”, “debugMessage”: “Square In-App Payments SDK encountered an unexpected error. Please contact Square developer support via Square Support Center - US”, “message”: “Something went wrong. Please contact the developer of this application and provide them with this error code: unexpected”}
The Sandbox Location ID i’m using is M7HZ6W96Y81CN
Please Help

@Bryan-Square We are still struggling with this, Please could we have an update. as it has all gone quite again.
I’ve escalated this to the team and will be sure to update you once I get word from the team.