Hi there.
I’m looking for more information on SSO methods for Square. I’ve noticed that Okta and OpenID plugins are available. Could someone guide me on where to find more details about SSO, OpenID, or any possible methods for authenticating Square with Microsoft Entra ID?
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Square does not currently support OpenID or other single sign-on (SSO) protocols on top of its OAuth implementation. The Square OAuth API uses the OAuth 2 protocol to get permission from the owner of the seller account to manage specific types of resources in that account. This process involves client applications obtaining an authorization code that is then redeemed to get an access token and refresh token. These tokens allow you to manage resources for a seller and are used when calling the Square APIs.
Square offers two types of OAuth: a code flow and a PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) flow. The code flow is an OAuth flow that requires a confidential client to pass in the client_id and client_secret values when redeeming an authorization code from Square. The PKCE flow is an OAuth flow for public clients that removes the need to pass the client_secret and replaces it with a code_verifier.
However, Square does not currently support SSO methods like Okta or integration with Microsoft Entra ID for authentication.
This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.
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