Sandbox payment in CAD currency

I’ve just confirmed. Both CreateOrder and CreatePayment requests use the same access token. They both use :currency => "CAD". Here is the created order id: SCrjAx2XCzqeaL4MmPE1S0NDJ7OZY. All the currencies in the OrderCreate response are CAD.

They go in the same transaction, so after CreateOrder I do CreatePayment request, using the just the same seller_client object (i.e. seller_client.create_order(payload1), then seller_client.create_payment(payload2)) which contains all the authentication data, and it returns the mentioned error

{:code=>“BAD_REQUEST”, :detail=>“This application is not allowed to accept currency CAD.”, :category=>“INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR”}

then I decided to try to actually replace the access_token with the wrong one just before the CreatePayment request and i got a different error

{:code=>“UNAUTHORIZED”, :detail=>“The Authorization http header of your request was incorrect or expired. The header value is expected to be of the for
mat "Bearer TOKEN" (without quotation marks), where TOKEN is a valid access token (e.g. "Bearer ABC123def456GHI789jkl0"). For more information, see https
:// .”, :category=>“AUTHENTICATION_ERROR”}

so, i’m pretty sure there is no problem with the token