I have a web application use Point of Sale API
when I call the square app and checkout
then redirect to callback url with parameters
it work well on iOS
but on Android
the parameters only has “CLIENT_TRANSACTION_ID” and “REQUEST_METADATA”
this is my request parameters on Android
“intent:#Intent;” +
“action=com.squareup.pos.action.CHARGE;” +
“package=com.squareup;” +
“S.com.squareup.pos.WEB_CALLBACK_URI=” + callbackUrl + “;” +
“S.com.squareup.pos.CLIENT_ID=” + applicationId + “;” +
“S.com.squareup.pos.API_VERSION=” + sdkVersion + “;” +
“i.com.squareup.pos.TOTAL_AMOUNT=” + transactionTotal + “;” +
“S.com.squareup.pos.CURRENCY_CODE=” + currencyCode + “;” +
“S.com.squareup.pos.TENDER_TYPES=” + tenderTypes + “;” +
“l.com.squareup.pos.AUTO_RETURN_TIMEOUT_MS=3200;” +
“S.com.squareup.pos.REQUEST_METADATA=” + some + “;” +