Our store has been up and happy for 2 or so years using Square Terminals with my hand rolled POS software. Every 7 days the system has been getting a refresh token and life has been good. This week I got an alert that the refresh token get was overdue. Looking into it I found that the refresh token was null and so not saved hence the alert. So I wiped the access token and refresh token from the database to go get a fresh access token but that returned null for a the fields. Strangly enough (maybe) the response body has all I was looking for, but the c# code I wrote back at the start:
var responseaccessToken = await client.OAuthApi.ObtainTokenAsync(body: body);
is expecting responseAccessToken.AccessToken to contain the token but it is null along with all other fields.
However: responseAccessToken.Response.Body has what I expected an access_token, a refresh_token, today’s date etc.
It has been a couple of years since I had to get an initial token - did something change? The c# callback was working back then and the data was in the database all nice and ecryypted to prove it.
I logged into the square area where the production app is and everything looks as it did years ago.
I have put the existing access_token and refresh_token back in the database so that the store can operate but I’m nervous about no refresh token.